Winter Colors - Black & White

Yup, winter in the Northeast has officially began. It's been a good 6 years since I've experienced a Northeast winter.
I took this picture right outside of our apartment door. It is in it's original color. If you look closely at the blurred background at the top of the picture, you can see faint hints of color coming through.
If my memory serves me correct, this is what winter is like here: It is as if you took the world and put it into photoshop and hit desaturate. Winter is life in gray scale. (Now I could never remember here in the US, if we use grey or gray) Anyways, Black and White has its charms as seen in the photo above.
Being a warm climate person most of my life (with the exception of the banishment to Ithaca for college for 4 years) I still hold a very romantic view of winter. We'll see how it holds up over the course of this winter.
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