Winter Wonderland

So I woke on Sunday morning, brush my teeth, go about my Sunday routine to get ready for church. In passing, I glanced outside and saw ... Snow!
It's amazing how the sight of snow covering everything filled me with a sense of awe and wonderment. It took me out of my routine and made me stop in my tracks to admire its pristine and beauty. I felt like a little kid in awe and couldn't help but grin ear to ear.
I find that as I grow older, I grow more cynical and less things fill me with wonder and awe. Life becomes routine with bills to be paid and responsibilities to be fulfilled. It becomes more about enduring then enjoying.
So it was nice to be surprised again by awe!
It is very cool to go to bed with everything normal (no snow) and wake up and everything is white and covered. It made me happy.
It drew my soul to prayer and thanksgiving. It made me smile and want to exclaim at the top of my lungs,*
May little things in life restore to you moments of wonderment...
Now, back to reality, that is me in the picture... yup, I am the one taking out the trash in the snow. Not so much awe there.
* I didn't actually scream out loud, Traci was still asleep from her late night of finishing some of her final projects
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